Service Processes

Two things to elevate service quality & give you more satisfaction

In corporate profile and website production, we have formulated a rigorous SOP (standard operating procedure) to ensure that each project is completed professionally and efficiently.

When you entrust a project to us, we will provide a meticulously compiled "Service Process Guide" with an attached "Checklist".

Service Guideline

A Complete Guide from A to Z for a Smooth Project Journey

Through the process guide, you can clearly understand the procedure we follow and each stage of the project's progress. The guide includes:


Preliminary Preparation

All matters that need your cooperation are clearly stated, such as preparation before and after the interview, preparation for photo shooting, etc.

Better Efficiency

It ensures that your project is carried out following established standards and best methods in an orderly manner so that the project can be completed more efficiently.

Avoiding Errors

The process guide helps both parties save time, reduce trivial problems, avoid errors, and expedite overall project execution.

Everyone Treated Equally

Clear process guidelines mean unified service quality to ensure that each project follows the same standards and that all customers receive the same service quality.


Perfect puzzle: made up of details
Focusing on details is the key to perfection

The Checklist is designed to help you use our services and ensure your satisfaction with our service quality. It is divided into the following two parts:

Content Check

  • The checklist helps you check the text and the specific details you need to pay attention to within the text.
  • It provides clear guidance to help us communicate how to modify the text.

Design Check

  • When you receive the first draft of the design, what parts and details you should pay attention to and so on.
  • When you receive the complete design, how may it be communicated for optimization.
  • Regarding website production, what parts and features need to be checked.

Submission Check

  • Upon project completion, you will receive the corresponding information, files, etc., which you can check individually.

After-sales Service

Project Completion, Friendship Continues
We give you continuous value-added services

We will continue to give you services for some time. After completing the project, our relationship will change from the initial project commission to a friendship. This also means that if your business profile or website needs some follow-up, please get in touch with us anytime.

*Terms and conditions apply